Image of Barry Wong

Barry Wong

1946-11-20 China

Image of Barry Wong


Barry Wong, also known as Wong Ping-Yiu, was a Hong Kong screenwriter, film producer and actor. He was hailed as one of the most prolific screenwriters of Hong Kong cinema penning scripts for some of the top filmmakers and actors during the 1980s and early 1990s.


記得…香蕉成熟時 James Wong 1993-04-30
特異功能猩求人 1992-05-01
逃學英雄傳 Commissioner Wong 1992-02-20
賊聖 1991-08-08
豪門夜宴 Man at Table 1991-11-30
賭俠 III 之上海灘賭聖 Commissioner Wong 1991-08-21
雙城故事 Barry 1991-03-28
逃學威龍 Scissor Legs 1991-07-18
咖喱辣椒 Chief Inspector Chow 1990-05-23
火燒島 Inspector Wong 1990-03-28
夜魔先生 Cook 1990-12-22
霸王花之皇家賭船 King of Gamblers 1990-10-20
無名家族 ICAC officer 1990-05-24
鐵血騎警II:朋黨 Supt Chow 1990-12-28
龍在天涯 1989-09-01
捉鬼大师 1989-06-08
喋血雙雄 Chief Inspector Tu 1989-03-24
猛鬼學堂 Snr. Inspector 1988-04-28
獵鷹計劃 1988-06-24
最佳福星 1986-06-20
君子好逑 Father Tam 1984-06-28
醜小鴨 1984-07-21
伊人再見 1984-08-04
奇謀妙計五福星 Roller Skate Race's Emcee 1983-07-07