Image of Karen Mok Man-Wai

Karen Mok Man-Wai

1970-06-02 Hong Kong, China

Image of Karen Mok Man-Wai


Karen Mok Man-Wai (born Karen Joy Morris (Chinese: 莫文蔚)) is a Hong Kong pop diva who is one of the leading Asian pop singers and actresses with a career spanning three decades. She is the first female Hong Kong singer to win the Golden Melody Award and has won it a total of three times. She has released 18 solo studio albums, starred in over more than 50 movies, has over 15 million followers on leading Chinese social media site Weibo, took the lead in the Broadway musical Rent on its Asian tour, holds the Guinness World Record for the Highest Altitude Mass-Attended Music Concert.


2023抖音美好奇妙夜 2023-10-15
TME Live「想你 張國榮」線上音樂會 self 2021-04-01
第14届KKBOX风云榜 2019-01-26
烎·2018潮音发布夜 2018-01-13
大话西游 3 Bai Jingjing 2016-07-07
催眠大师 Ren Xiaoyan 2014-04-29
Karen.MOK.THE.AGE.OF.Moknificence.Concert.2014 Singer 2014-09-27
越来越好之村晚 2013-02-10
Man of Tai Chi Suen Jing Shi 2013-07-04
Miss You Much Leslie 2013-03-31
浮想联翩张国荣演唱会 2012-08-23
回蔚 莫文蔚巡迴演唱会@台北小巨蛋 2012-03-30
Dung sing sai tsau 2011 Sammi 2011-11-24
万有引力 Mei 2011-04-08
快樂天堂・滾石30 Live in Taipei 2010-11-27
杜拉拉升职记 Mei Gui 2010-04-15
一路有你 2010-12-31
2008年第29届北京奥运会闭幕式 Self 2008-08-24
秘岸 Su Dan 2008-01-01
โลงต่อตาย Su 2008-10-30
In the Mood for Doyle Self 2007-08-30
老港正傳 Luk Min 2007-06-15
千變魔手 Herself 2006-01-01
四大天王 Herself 2006-04-05
A Century of Light and Shadow Herself 2005-01-01
童夢奇緣 Tsui Man 2005-09-29
DragonBlade : The Legend of Lang Ying Ying 2005-01-06
我要做Model 2004-06-17
大佬愛美麗 Julie Lui 2004-04-08
Around the World in 80 Days General Fang 2004-06-16
愛在陽光下 Herself 2003-01-01
千機變 Ivy 2003-03-08
夕陽天使 Kong Yat Hung 2002-05-14
豬扒大聯盟 So Mei 2002-05-30
Office有鬼 Pat 2002-09-06
极地营救 2002-01-01
走到底 2001-02-08
九龍冰室 Helen 2001-01-01
絕世好Bra Shirley 2001-09-27
少林足球 Team Moustache Player #2 2001-07-05
好莫文蔚 巡迴演唱會 2001-03-01
特技猛龍 Herself 2000-01-01
流氓師表 Sister Teresa 2000-10-19
飆車之車神傳說 Suki 2000-10-19
煙飛煙滅 Karen 2000-08-01
喜劇之王 Sister Cuckoo 1999-02-08
龍火 1999-08-07
心動 Chen-li 1999-09-23
初纏戀後的2人世界 Chao Meina 1997-12-13
算死草 Wu-Man 1997-07-31
我愛廚房 Jenny 1997-10-01
熱血最強 Shirley 1997-11-13
97古惑仔:戰無不勝 Wasabi / Lam Suk Fan 1997-03-28
黑俠 Tracy Lee 1996-11-07
色情男女 May 1996-11-28
四個32A和一個香蕉少年 Patricia (adult) 1996-06-07
食神 Twin Dagger Turkey 1996-12-21
飛虎雄心2傲氣比天高 Karen Kook 1996-09-27
古惑仔之隻手遮天 Lam Shuk Fan 1996-06-29
4面夏娃 Mistress of Chan Giu's husband 1996-10-30
Jackie Chan - From Stuntman to Superstar Herself 1996-08-30
wkw/tk/1996@7'55'' Woman 1996-11-15
古惑女之決戰江湖 Van 1996-03-21
墮落天使 Blondie 1995-09-06
大話西遊之月光寶盒 Baak Gwat Cheng / Pak Jing Jing 1995-01-21
回魂夜 Kwan 1995-07-06
大話西遊之仙履奇緣 Baak Gwat Cheng / Pak Jing Jing 1995-02-04
救世神棍 Joan 1995-07-28
清官難審 1994-11-10
廣東五虎之鐵拳無敵孫中山 Feminist 1993-07-24