Image of Ken Shiroyama

Ken Shiroyama

1932-03-10 Hokkaido, Japan

Image of Ken Shiroyama


Ken Shiroyama (城山 堅, Shiroyama Ken) is a Japanese actor, voice actor and narrator. He is currently affiliated with Production BAOBAB. His former stage name was Chikao Shiroyama.


シャム猫 / ファーストミッション Professor Kaneko (voice) 2001-10-06
スプリガン Dr. Meisel (voice) 1998-09-05
NINKU-忍空ー ナイフの墓標 Daisuke (voice) 1994-11-01
戦え!超ロボット生命体トランスフォーマー スクランブルシティ発動編 Ratbat / Skydive 1986-04-01