Image of Michael McCleery

Michael McCleery

1959-08-18 Chicago, Illinois, USA

Image of Michael McCleery



The United States of Leland Mechanic #2 2003-05-15
Joy Ride Officer Akins 2001-10-05
Best Laid Plans Recycling Owner 1999-04-09
If I Die Before I Wake T.J. 1998-01-01
L.A. Confidential Carlisle - Dudley's Guy 1997-09-19
Impulse Punk Delivering Flowers 1990-04-06
Alien Space Avenger Derek (as Mike McClerie) 1989-08-01
Mother's Day Addley 1980-09-19
Harry and Tonto Mugger 1974-08-12
The Friends of Eddie Coyle The Kid 1973-06-26