Image of J.R. Bookwalter

J.R. Bookwalter

1966-08-16 Akron, Ohio, USA

Image of J.R. Bookwalter



Her Name Was Christa Orderly Lance Randas 2020-02-14
VHS Massacre Too Himself 2020-03-20
Chronicles Of The Living Dead Himself 2015-08-01
Final Curtain interviewee 2005-02-01
Bad Movie Police: Case #1: Galaxy Of The Dinosaurs Lance Randas 2003-10-14
Bad Movie Police: Case #2: ChickBoxer The Chief (voice) 2003-10-14
Zombiegeddon Crazed Professor 2003-07-12
Shandra: The Jungle Girl Alley Drunk 1999-09-28
Curse of the Puppet Master Tommy Berke 1998-05-26
The Sandman Gerald Rivers Announcer 1995-12-05
Ozone Evidence Room Detective 1994-01-04
Girlfriends Dream Father 1993-01-01
Humanoids from Atlantis Shemp Movie Director 1992-10-10
Chickboxer Irate Video Store Cashier 1992-01-01
Shock Cinema: Volume One Himself 1991-01-01
Kingdom of the Vampire Carry-Out Customer 1991-01-01
Zombie Cop Detective Tremmel / Reverend (voice) 1991-10-10
Skinned Alive Jehova's Witness 1990-02-01
The Basement Production Assistant 1989-01-03
The Dead Next Door Lloyds 1989-11-10
Robot Ninja Spinell 1989-12-04
Burning of the Salem Witches The Guard 1979-01-01