Image of Jeffrey Ballard

Jeffrey Ballard

1987-01-21 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Image of Jeffrey Ballard



Garage Sale Mysteries: The Mask Murder Grey Baxter 2018-08-12
The Christmas Shepherd Bryan Brown 2014-11-23
Kid Cannabis Patrick Groves 2014-04-18
Perfect Sisters Justin 2014-04-08
The Marine 3: Homefront Darren Carlyle 2013-03-05
Forever 16 Brandon 2013-08-23
Restless Virgins Mattias 2013-03-09
Grave Halloween Craig 2013-10-19
Pressed Sam 2011-02-18
Snowmageddon Derrick Reed 2011-12-10
Triple Dog Clarke 2010-09-21
John Tucker Must Die Cute Boy 2006-07-27
She's the Man Donner 2006-03-17
Jenifer Young Jack 2005-11-18
Riding the Bullet Alan, Age 12 2004-10-15
Zolar Brett 2004-05-01
Agent Cody Banks Jefferson Buddy 2003-03-14
Dead in a Heartbeat Troy 2002-03-03
Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch Student 2002-06-18
Children of the Corn: Revelation Boy #1 2001-10-09
MVP 2: Most Vertical Primate Kid #2 2001-10-05
Mission to Mars Child at Party 2000-03-10