Image of Mei'e Zhang

Mei'e Zhang

1950-01-01 Wuguantang, Hengdian, China

Image of Mei'e Zhang


After graduating from elementary school in rural Hengdian future actress worked as common farmer and factory painter. raised silkworm cocoons. In 1996 Hengdian began to transform into big cinema city, which attracted many crews from the whole China. So Zhang Mei'e decided to put aside his farm work and found a job in a movie studio 100 kilometers away from home. With the help of a fellow villager Zhang Mei'e found a job in repairing obsolete buildings in Hengdian Film and Television Base. This is not difficult for Zhang Mei'e, who has worked as a painter. 60 years old she debuted as actress in Stephen Chow's Journey To The West.


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