Image of Aleksandr Gorchilin

Aleksandr Gorchilin

1992-03-03 Moscow, Russia

Image of Aleksandr Gorchilin


Stage and film actor, video artist, director. In 2008 enrolled at the Moscow Art Theatre School on Kirill Serebrennikov’s course; since 2012 works at the Gogol Centre. Played one of the lead roles in Valeria Gai Germanika’s film “Yes and Yes”, and appeared in Serebrennnikov’s film “The Student” (2016, nomination for a NIKA Award in the category Best Supporting Actor). In 2015 debuted as director with the documentary film “#KOMUNARUSIZHITKHOROSHO”, which received a special jury mention at Dvizhenie [Movement] festival. In 2016 participated as co-author and video artist in the opera production “Iolantha. OPUS” (with Filipp Avdeev and Igor Bychkov), and released his second documentary “Russian Fairy Tales”.


Клипмейкеры 2023-01-05
Жена Чайковского Brandukov, Tchaikovsky's Pupil 2022-11-11
Петровы в гриппе Sasha's apartment 2021-09-09
Кто-нибудь видел мою девчонку? Sergey Dobrotvorsky 2021-02-04
Мама, я дома Nazarov 2021-09-09
Out of the Box 2021-12-09
Гоголь online: Хармс. Мыр 2020-04-19
Созвездия Roland 2020-03-22
Караokko 2020-12-25
Одна историческая ошибка 2019-01-13
Новый год, я люблю тебя! 2019-01-13
Избранники himself 2018-09-27
Гармония 2018-09-29
Лето Punk 2018-06-07
Красный день (voice) 2018-09-27
Блокбастер Artemiy 2017-07-13
Хит 2017-12-11
Зоология Stylist 2016-11-24
Ученик Grisha 2016-04-12
Молодогвардейцев 32 Grabitel 3 2016-12-06
Городские птички 2016-12-15
Без кожи enrollee 2014-04-25
Да и да Antonin 2014-06-26
Песочница слона 2013-09-08
День учителя son 2012-05-31
Дважды в одну реку 2007-08-16
Икария Filipp