Image of Lorene Yarnell Jansson

Lorene Yarnell Jansson

1944-03-21 Inglewood - California - USA

Image of Lorene Yarnell Jansson


Lorene Yarnell, who with Robert Shields, formed the mime-and-dance comedy team Shields and Yarnell and became a familiar presence on television in the 1970s


Spaceballs Dot Matrix 1987-06-24
Generation Pal 1985-05-24
The Steadfast Tin Soldier Ballerina 1984-10-10
Clown White Melissa 1981-10-01
The Wild Wild West Revisited Sonia 1979-05-09
Bob Hope on the Road to China Self (as Shields and Yarnell) 1979-09-16
Christmas at Walt Disney World Ms. Clinker 1978-12-10
Fol-de-Rol Ensemble (uncredited) 1972-02-27
Sweet Charity Dancer (uncredited) 1969-02-25