Image of Oho Ou

Oho Ou

1992-10-13 Fuzhou, Fujian, China

Image of Oho Ou


Oho Ou, born in Pingtan County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, is a Chinese pop singer and film actor. In 2014, he appeared in his first TV series "Singing Wars". In 2015, he released his first personal EP album "On His Own", winning awards as a Pop singer. In 2019, he starred in the drama film "Heroes of Fire", the action crime film "Go Risky", and was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Award at the 11th Macau International Film Festival. The actor was also nominated for Best Supporting Actor in the 33rd Chinese Film Golden Rooster Awards. Oho was originally called Ou Liang. When he was young, his family had to update the household registration book. At that time, the staff accidentally wrote "Liang" as "Hao". Oho decided to keep the name.


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