Image of John Lodge

John Lodge


Image of John Lodge



De Mayerling à Sarajevo L'archiduc François Ferdinand 1940-10-10
Batticuore Lord Jerry Dansbury 1939-01-13
L'Esclave blanche Vedad Bey, son mari, 1939-02-18
Premiere Inspector Bonnard 1938-01-20
Bank Holiday Stephen Howard 1938-01-27
Queer Cargo Capt. Harley 1938-08-06
Bulldog Drummond at Bay Hugh "Bulldog" Drummond 1937-05-01
Stasera alle undici Jack Morris 1937-12-01
Ourselves Alone County Inspector Hanney 1936-04-27
Sensation Pat Heston 1936-12-16
The Tenth Man George Winter 1936-08-12
The Little Colonel Jack Sherman 1935-02-22
Koenigsmark Grand Duke Frederick 1935-12-04
Menace Ronald Cavendish 1934-11-22
The Scarlet Empress Count Alexei 1934-05-09
Murders in the Zoo Roger Hewitt 1933-03-31
Little Women Brooke 1933-11-24
Under the Tonto Rim Joe Gilbert 1933-04-07