Image of Akiko Tsuboi

Akiko Tsuboi

1937-01-01 Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan

Image of Akiko Tsuboi


Akiko Tsuboi (坪井 章子 Tsuboi Akiko) is a Japanese voice actress born on January 1, 1937 in Shizuoka Prefecture. She has participated in series such as Galaxy Express 999 and Saint Seiya, and films such as Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and Mobile Suit Gundam F91, among other works. It is affiliated with Aoni Production.


聖闘士星矢 最終聖戦の戦士たち Natasha (voice) 1989-03-18
ゴキブリたちの黄昏 Walla (voice) 1987-11-21
炎トリッパー Suzuko's mother 1985-12-16
風の谷のナウシカ Lastel's Mother (voice) 1984-03-11
吾輩は犬である ドン松五郎の生活 1983-02-09
さよなら銀河鉄道999 -アンドロメダ終着駅- Kanae Hoshino (Tetsurô's mother) (voice) 1981-08-01
若草物語 Mother 1980-05-03
野球狂の詩 北の狼南の虎 1979-09-15
銀河鉄道999 Kanae Hoshino (Tetsurô's mother) (voice) 1979-08-04
銀河鉄道 999 君は戦士のように生きられるか!? Kanae Hoshino (voice) 1979-10-11
宇宙海賊キャプテンハーロック アルカディア号の謎 Witch Aman (voice) 1978-07-22