Image of Warren Sweeney

Warren Sweeney

Image of Warren Sweeney



Who Wants Me Dead? Dr. Edwards 2020-01-17
Killer Contractor William McCleod 2019-10-13
Elwood Takes a Lover Elwood 2018-02-17
Speedwagon Edward Vrbronski 2017-04-14
Marriage of Lies Principal Turner 2016-05-21
The Fake Norman 2015-01-01
Zero Religious fanatic 2015-09-03
Unstoppable Press Representative 2010-11-04
Semi-Pro Winning Team Owner #1 (uncredited) 2008-02-28
Apollo 11: First Steps on the Moon Holiday Inn Manager 1996-11-17
Wild Cactus Gas Mart Clerk 1993-03-14