Image of Kenji Tanigaki

Kenji Tanigaki

1970-10-13 Nara, Japan

Image of Kenji Tanigaki



天龍八部之喬峰傳 2023-01-16
Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins Yakuza with Eye Patch 2021-07-22
武俠 Xiao Ge Zi 2011-07-04
導火線 Kenji 2007-07-26
殺破狼 Wong Po's Bodyguard 2005-11-18
Blade II Moscow Vampire Attacking Blade (uncredited) 2002-03-22
九龍冰室 Lok 2001-01-01
順流逆流 Little Rat 2000-10-19
新唐山大兄 Axe Gang member 1998-07-03
戰狼傳說 Forest fighter 1997-06-14
火鴛鴦 1996-11-02
我是一個賊 Wing's fellow 1995-09-14
黃飛鴻之五龍城殲霸 1994-11-17
神龙赌圣之旗开得胜 Photographer 1994-02-09