Fuera de Cartelera

The Polio Crusade (2009)


55 minutos


55 minutos

Director: Sarah Colt

Reparto: Linda Hunt,Larry Becker,Kathryn Black,Betty Cook Brown,Anne B. Crockett-Stark,John M. Johnson,Samuel L. Katz,Paul A. Offit,David M. Oshinsky,Eleanor Sage,Peter L. Salk,John Troan,Eugene F. Warren,Julius Youngner,Judy Garland,Mickey Rooney,

Fecha de Estreno: 2009-02-02


The film interweaves the personal accounts of polio survivors with the story of an ardent crusader who tirelessly fought on their behalf while scientists raced to eradicate this dreaded disease. Based in part on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book Polio: An American Story by David Oshinsky, Features interviews with historians, scientists, polio survivors, and the only surviving scientist from the core research team that developed the Salk vaccine, Julius Youngner.